Use this settings window to customize the way your brochure content displays for desktop publishing. The last two settings span columns across the page but unevenly where the smaller column appears on the left or right of the page. This lets you configure different column width settings rather than just use the default options that span columns evenly across the page.
In the column settings window, you can manually set column width and spacing. When you click the button, a dropdown of options displays. The "Columns" button is found in the "Layout" ribbon tab. Too many columns won't be able to support text, so you should set columns to a maximum of three or four to create good content. You can set three columns using the "Columns" dropdown options, but you have the option to use the "More Columns" selection to set as many columns as you need. You can, however, set columns similar to a newspaper layout. By default, Word extends content from the left to the right of a page only stopping where the margins are set. Setting Columnsįor brochures and pamphlets, it's common for a document to have several columns. You can also send any content to a print organization that can sometimes work with small margins, but you should ensure that they are able to print with very small margins as well. The result is that your printer is unable to print content.

Small margins that allow content to span very close to the page edges might not be supported by your printer. You can customize page margins but ensure that your printer supports very small margins. This will give you more space to work and layout your content. This option sets all margins including the left, top, right and left to. You'll see the "Narrow" option in the dropdown menu. Click the button and a dropdown menu displays. The first button in the "Page Setup" category is the "Margins" option.

Margins and orientation are set from the "Layout" ribbon tab. Most margins for this type of Word document are set to at least. This margin setting is usually to wide for standard desktop publishing material. However, when you create a new blank Word 2019 document, the margins are automatically set to 1". When working with desktop publishing content, you probably want it to align along the margin edges. However, for simple one-off designs, Word has features that will help you create content that can be published as marketing tools. Should you need more complex designs or need to regularly create marketing content, it's better to invest in one of these other tools. As an individual, you can save money using Microsoft Word to create simple desktop publishing content. They're also unnecessary if you only need to publish one design. These tools can be expensive for a first-time, new designer. There are several tools on the market that provide ways for designers to create brochures, pamphlets and marketing material.