Upon release of the PC version on Janureviewers noted the version suffered a wide array of issues such as unplayable performance, graphical issues, subpar driving controls, and lack of mouse support in menus. It was originally developed and released for the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 by Volition, but was ported to PC by CD Projekt Black on request of its publisher THQ, though with very little involvement from Volition. Saints Row 2 is a singleplayer and multiplayer third-person action, shooter and open world game in the Saints Row series. 9.11 Objects held by characters in cutscenes are misaligned.9.10 In-game sound is in mono or only coming from one speaker.9.9 Timeout when trying connect to a co-op game.9.7 The Samedi mission loading the van with drugs (Riot Control) is bugged in co-op.9.6 The Ronin Mission at the airport (Orange Threat Level) crashes after the middle cutscene.8.1 Multiplayer lobby for Gangsta Brawl and Strong Arm modes boot people out when others join.