La haine full movie english sub
La haine full movie english sub

(Imagine how a moviegoer from Mars would misread a film like “ Driving Miss Daisy” if he knew nothing about Southern segregation.) The three heroes of “Hate” are Vinz ( Vincent Cassel), Jewish, working class Hubert ( Hubert Kounde), from Africa, a boxer, more mature than his friends, and Said ( Said Taghmaoui), from North Africa, more lighthearted than his friends. The French neo-Nazi right wing lurks in the shadows of “Hate,” providing it with an unspoken subtext for its French audiences.

la haine full movie english sub

In America, where for all of our problems, we are long accustomed to being a melting pot, it is hard to realize how monolithic most European nations have been-especially France, where Frenchness is almost a cult, and a political leader like Jean-Marie Le Pen can roll up alarming vote totals with his anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant diatribes.

La haine full movie english sub