He returned to the land where his parents grazed with their new-born daughter. Achimi, however, was determined to remain independent and control his own fate. The wise bee told him that it was better for an animal to serve humans because they would provide them with steady meals and protect them from lions. He came upon a village that was built by the first human beings, and they almost caught him. He was a wild and adventurous animal and left his parents. Achimi (The son of the Itherther and Thamuatz, the first living creatures on the earth. She is the mother of the god of rain and fertility (Danka). Added to this she is the patron goddess of women as well as gardens. Abiku, Abuk (Abuk is the first woman in the myths of the Dinka. For some time the humans observed this rule, but eventually they began to work and have children, for which Atai slew the man and his wife, and caused strife and discord between their children. GODS (Indian/Hindu Gods not on list) AFRICAN GODS: A Abassi (The creator god of the Efik (Nigeria), Abassi was instructed by his wife, Atai, to allow a human couple to settle on the Earth, but forbade them to procreate or work, for fear that they might excel Abassi in wisdom. GODS, ANGELS, AND DEMONS A research by Trench N.